Top 10 Causes of Oral Thrush (Oral Candidiasis) Everyone Should Know

Cause 2: Uncontrolled Diabetes

Uncontrolled Diabetes

Diabetes, a condition that affects the way the body processes sugar, is closely linked to oral health. People with uncontrolled diabetes tend to have higher sugar levels in their saliva, providing a feast for Candida to thrive and grow. The consistent elevation in blood sugar levels creates an oral environment that favors fungal overgrowth.

It’s not just the high sugar levels, though. Diabetes affects various bodily functions, including the immune system, which can further elevate the risk. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to reduced salivary flow, promoting dry mouth, another factor conducive to the growth of Candida.

Routine blood sugar monitoring, adherence to prescribed medications, and dietary control are crucial. The integration of regular dental check-ups can help in early detection of oral candidiasis and can potentially reveal undiagnosed diabetes.(2)

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