Top 10 Causes of Oral Thrush (Oral Candidiasis) Everyone Should Know

Cause 5: Wearing Dentures

Wearing Dentures

Dentures have long been a reliable solution for individuals missing one or more teeth. They not only restore functionality, allowing individuals to chew and speak properly, but they also provide aesthetic benefits. However, like any medical appliance, their use comes with specific responsibilities and potential challenges.

The design of dentures, especially full dentures, means they cover a significant portion of the oral mucosa. This coverage can create a warm, moist environment between the denture and the underlying tissue, which can be an ideal setting for Candida growth. Moreover, tiny food particles can get trapped in this space, providing the fungus with the nutrients it needs.

Another issue is the fit of the dentures. Ill-fitting dentures can cause minor injuries to the oral mucosa, giving Candida an easy entry point. This is especially true for individuals who persistently wear ill-fitting dentures without seeking adjustments, as they are unknowingly increasing their risk of oral thrush.

Maintaining impeccable denture hygiene is paramount. Regular cleaning using appropriate denture cleaners, nightly removal to let the oral tissues breathe, and periodic check-ups with a dentist to ensure the proper fit are all essential steps. Additionally, considering antifungal denture cleansers or solutions can be an added preventive measure.(5)

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