Top 10 Causes of Oral Thrush (Oral Candidiasis) Everyone Should Know

Cause 9: Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor Oral Hygiene

Perhaps it goes without saying, but oral hygiene is the bedrock of a healthy mouth. A slack approach can have more consequences than just cavities or bad breath. One such repercussion is the dreaded oral thrush.

The mouth is a bustling metropolis of microorganisms. While many are beneficial and crucial for oral health, some opportunistic pathogens lie in wait for their chance to cause problems. Candida is one of these. When the balance of these microorganisms is disturbed, primarily due to poor oral hygiene, Candida can multiply and lead to oral thrush.

Brushing and flossing might sound rudimentary, but they’re invaluable weapons in the fight against Candida. Food particles that remain stuck between teeth or along the gum line provide a veritable feast for pathogens. Moreover, irregular or improper cleaning can lead to plaque accumulation, again tipping the scales in favor of Candida.

It’s also crucial to remember the tongue in this hygiene regimen. Often, a thick white layer can develop on the tongue, indicating a hefty Candida presence. Regular tongue cleaning can help keep this in check.

Mouthwashes and oral rinses, when used appropriately, can also be allies in this battle. However, it’s essential to choose products wisely. Some can disrupt the oral microbial balance further, so guidance from a dentist can be invaluable. A meticulous approach to oral hygiene is more than just about pearly whites or fresh breath. It’s a frontline defense against several oral issues, including the pesky problem of oral candidiasis. (9)

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