Top 10 Causes of Swollen Parotid Glands (Parotitis)

Cause 2: Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infections

The mouth, as it turns out, is home to a myriad of bacteria. Most are harmless, coexisting peacefully, assisting in various physiological processes. But there are some bad actors in the mix, like the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species.

When these pathogens ascend into the salivary ducts, they can give rise to acute bacterial parotitis. This condition is particularly prevalent in individuals with weakened immune systems or the elderly. Once infected, the affected gland swells, becomes painful, and in severe cases, might even discharge pus.

The primary culprit here, apart from the bacteria, is the stagnation of saliva, known as stasis. When saliva doesn’t flow as it should, it creates a breeding ground for these bacteria. They multiply rapidly, ascending the ducts and causing inflammation.

Treatment usually involves antibiotics, targeted at the specific bacterial strain causing the infection. Yet, prevention is always better than cure. Regular oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and even rinsing with antibacterial mouthwashes, can keep bacterial numbers in check.(2)

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