Top 10 Early Signs of Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) You Can’t Ignore

8. Persistent Anemia: When Your Blood Tells a Story

Persistent Anemia When Your Blood Tells a Story

Anemia is a condition where the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to transport sufficient oxygen to your tissues, leaving you fatigued and short of breath. While anemia itself is a common medical condition that can be caused by various factors like dietary deficiencies, chronic diseases, or bone marrow problems, it can also be a red flag signaling more severe issues, such as stomach cancer.

In stomach cancer, particularly in advanced stages or with certain types of gastric tumors, anemia can become a significant symptom. Tumors often bleed into the stomach, which could lead to blood loss you won’t easily notice.

This could manifest as black, tarry stools, or vomiting with a substance that looks like coffee grounds. The internal bleeding can be either slow, occurring over a long period, or it can be sudden and severe. Because the blood loss is internal, you might not recognize it until the anemia becomes severe enough to cause noticeable symptoms like fatigue or weakness.

Diagnosing anemia is usually done through a complete blood count (CBC) test, but in the context of stomach cancer, it’s merely the starting point. If you’ve been diagnosed with anemia and dietary changes, or iron supplements don’t improve your condition, you should insist on further diagnostic procedures. Tests such as fecal occult blood tests could be ordered to see if there’s microscopic blood in your stool, or an endoscopy might be recommended to look directly into your stomach and upper small intestine for any signs of cancer or bleeding.

Persistent, unexplained anemia does more than make you feel tired. It can have a profound impact on your overall health.

It lowers your body’s energy levels, making you feel perpetually fatigued and sapped of energy. The shortage of red blood cells means your heart has to work harder to move oxygen-rich blood through your body, leading to heart-related issues over time.

Because the symptoms can be quite generalized and easily mistaken for other conditions or simple fatigue, many people don’t realize the severity of what their body is going through. It could also mean that your body is less capable of fighting off infections, leading to a weakened immune system.

Given the potentially severe implications of persistent anemia, especially if other symptoms of stomach cancer are present, it’s crucial to act fast. Consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive diagnostic workup that goes beyond just treating anemia.

This could involve several different types of imaging tests, like an upper gastrointestinal series, or advanced procedures like a laparoscopy to look for signs of stomach cancer. If stomach cancer is diagnosed, treatment options often include surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, depending on how advanced the cancer is. (8)

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