Symptom 8. Easy Bruising and Bleeding: A Sign of Impaired Clotting
Easy bruising and bleeding are concerning symptoms that can be indicative of liver failure. The liver plays a crucial role in the blood clotting process, which is essential for preventing excessive bleeding and promoting healing after an injury. When the liver is not functioning correctly, its ability to produce clotting factors is significantly reduced, leading to a heightened risk of bruising and bleeding.
One of the key proteins produced by the liver is called fibrinogen, which plays an essential role in the formation of blood clots. Other clotting factors, such as prothrombin and factors VII, IX, and X, are also produced by the liver. When liver function is impaired, the production of these proteins is disrupted, resulting in a compromised blood clotting process.
If you notice that you’re bruising easily, experiencing frequent nosebleeds, or having difficulty stopping bleeding after a minor cut or injury, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional. This is particularly important if you’re experiencing other symptoms of liver failure, as addressing the underlying cause is crucial to preventing further complications related to abnormal blood clotting.
In addition to easy bruising and bleeding, you may also notice other symptoms related to impaired blood clotting, such as prolonged bleeding from the gums, blood in the urine or stools, or the presence of small, red pinpoint spots on the skin known as petechiae. These symptoms can provide further evidence of liver dysfunction and should prompt a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional. (8)