Top 10 First Signs of Syphilis: Early Detection Matters

Sign 2. Swollen Lymph Nodes

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Another early sign of syphilis is swollen lymph nodes, which can occur near the site of infection. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped organs that play a vital role in the immune system, filtering out harmful substances and producing immune cells to fight infections.

When the body detects the presence of the syphilis-causing bacterium, the lymph nodes may swell as they work to combat the infection. Swollen lymph nodes can be tender to the touch, but they are not always painful.

It’s essential to remember that swollen lymph nodes can be caused by a variety of factors, including other infections or even cancer. If you notice swollen lymph nodes, especially in conjunction with other symptoms of syphilis, it’s crucial to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis.

In some cases, swollen lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, or muscle aches. These symptoms can further indicate the presence of an infection, making it even more important to consult a healthcare professional.

Early detection and treatment are critical to prevent the spread of syphilis and avoid long-term complications. If you suspect you may have been exposed to the infection or notice any of the symptoms discussed in this article, do not hesitate to seek medical help.

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