Top 10 Foods That Help Alleviate Oral Thrush

8. Flaxseeds: The Tiny Titans of Oral Health

Flaxseeds The Tiny Titans of Oral Health

These small seeds pack a mighty punch in combating oral thrush. Flaxseeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory effects. While they don’t directly kill Candida, they strengthen your body’s ability to deal with inflammations, which is crucial when you have oral thrush.

What sets flaxseeds apart is their dietary fiber content. High fiber foods help maintain a balanced gut flora, indirectly aiding in controlling Candida overgrowth. Think of it as having a well-trained security system that closely monitors who comes in and out of your premises.

Adding flaxseeds to your diet is a piece of cake. Sprinkle some on your morning cereal, throw them into your blender when making a smoothie, or add them to homemade muffins or bread. Their nutty flavor complements a wide range of dishes.

A point to note is that whole flaxseeds pass undigested through the body. To maximize their benefits, it’s better to grind them before consumption. This makes it easier for your body to absorb their nutrients. So don’t forget to give them a quick whirl in your grinder before adding them to your dishes.

Flaxseeds aren’t flashy or grandiose; they’re modest yet effective. By incorporating these tiny titans into your diet, you’re taking a holistic approach to beating oral thrush. It’s like setting up a surveillance system that helps you keep a constant eye on Candida levels. (8)

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