Food 7: Poultry and Seafood

The realm of proteins is vast, but when it comes to GERD, not all are equal in their effects. Red meats, laden with fats, can be a trigger for many, as they require a longer digestive process. This extended digestion time can stimulate an overproduction of stomach acid, leading to more frequent and severe reflux episodes. On the contrary, poultry, like chicken and turkey, are lean meats. These are less in fats, which means they get digested more quickly, causing lesser acid production and thus, fewer GERD symptoms.
It’s not just poultry that holds the fort. Seafood, especially varieties like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, bring with them a treasure trove of omega-3 fatty acids. Now, why is this important? Omega-3s are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties. For those with GERD, the esophagus often becomes inflamed due to continuous acid exposure. Including omega-3 rich foods can help reduce this inflammation, providing not just relief but also aiding in the healing process of the esophageal lining.
However, while poultry and seafood are beneficial, the way you prepare them can make or break their GERD-friendly status. Deep-frying a piece of chicken or fish loads it with unwanted fats. Instead, grilling, baking, or steaming retains the essence of the meat without making it hard to digest. Moreover, spices, especially the hot ones, can trigger acid reflux. So, going easy on them, or choosing milder herbs can be a game-changer. (7)