Top 10 Gastritis Symptoms and How to Recognize Them

Symptom 9: Black, Tarry Stools

Black, Tarry Stools

A less-discussed, yet alarming symptom associated with gastritis is the presence of black, tarry stools, medically known as melena. It’s not merely the color that’s concerning, but what it represents. The dark hue signifies the presence of digested blood, indicating bleeding somewhere within the gastrointestinal tract.

When the stomach lining is inflamed, it’s more susceptible to erosion, leading to small bleeding sites. As this blood moves through the digestive system, stomach acids break it down, transforming its color to a dark black. By the time it’s expelled, it has a sticky, tarry consistency, quite unlike regular stool.

Spotting melena is crucial, as it’s a red flag. While gastritis might present with a myriad of symptoms, the presence of black stools points to active bleeding, which needs immediate attention. Left unchecked, this can lead to significant blood loss, resulting in anemia or more severe complications. While the visual cue is essential, it’s also vital to recognize other accompanying signs. Feeling unusually fatigued, breathlessness, or appearing paler are indicative of reduced blood levels, reinforcing the need for timely intervention.

In the myriad of gastritis symptoms, black, tarry stools stand as a beacon, highlighting the severity and the urgent need for intervention. It’s a stark reminder of the deeper complications an inflamed stomach lining can spawn. (9)

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