Cause 10. Food and Dietary Triggers: What We Consume Matters

Eating is a necessity, but what we put into our bodies can sometimes backfire. Though rare, there have been instances where certain foods or dietary supplements have acted as triggers for Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
Let’s delve into the world of food allergies. They’re more common than one might think. For most, the reactions can be mild – a slight itch or a rash. But for others, especially those predisposed to SJS, it could be more severe.
Did you know certain foods have compounds that can irritate the skin from the inside out? Take, for instance, foods high in salicylates – like tomatoes or almonds. For some individuals, these can cause skin flare-ups or even contribute to SJS onset if consumed in significant amounts.
Dietary supplements are another avenue. While many people take them for added health benefits, not all supplements are suitable for everyone. Some might contain active ingredients that, if not compatible with an individual’s physiology, can lead to severe reactions.
Furthermore, the preservatives and additives in processed foods can sometimes be culprits. Their chemical composition might not sit well with everyone. A minor upset stomach for one could translate into a major skin reaction for another.
In the grand scheme of things, what we eat and drink plays a pivotal role in our overall health. For those susceptible to conditions like SJS, understanding potential dietary triggers and being cautious can make all the difference. (10)