Cause 5. Environmental Factors: Our Surroundings, Our Health

We often view our environment in terms of its beauty or resources. Rarely do we consider the subtle, sometimes profound ways it impacts our health. However, specific environmental triggers, often overlooked, have been linked to the onset of SJS.
Consider, for instance, certain chemicals. From household cleaning agents to industrial solvents, our exposure is more frequent than we realize. When the skin comes into contact with these chemicals, for some, it’s not just about a temporary rash. The body might perceive this external agent as a threat, triggering a cascade of immune responses culminating in SJS.
Apart from chemicals, extreme weather conditions, particularly sudden shifts, can be culprits too. While many might experience dry skin or minor irritations, for a vulnerable few, this can escalate into SJS. The exact reason remains a bit elusive, but it’s believed to be a mix of skin stress and an exaggerated immune response.
In urban settings, pollutants in the air might play a role too. Fine particulate matter, a common component of air pollution, has been linked to a myriad of health issues. Its role in SJS, while not entirely clear, is an area of growing research interest.
The connection between our environment and SJS is a stark reminder of our intricate relationship with our surroundings. It underlines the importance of understanding these links and, where possible, minimizing potential triggers. (5)