Cause 6. Stress and Mental Health: The Mind-Body Connection

There’s no denying that the state of our mind affects our body. Chronic stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges can, sometimes, manifest physically. For a few, this could culminate in conditions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
Our body has its ways of coping with stress. Some reactions are visible, like hair loss or weight fluctuations. Others, however, are subtler, working behind the scenes until they reach a critical point. In certain predisposed individuals, SJS might just be one of these manifestations.
Interestingly, the mind’s power over the body is monumental. Have you ever noticed how a stressful day can sometimes lead to a breakout? Now, imagine this on a larger scale, where chronic mental strain confuses the body’s immune response, leading to skin conditions.
Studies have also shown the role of neurotransmitters in skin health. These chemical messengers, affected by our mental state, can influence skin reactions. An imbalance, caused by prolonged stress or trauma, can potentially tip the scales towards SJS in vulnerable individuals. (6)