Cause 9. Physical Stimulants: Beyond the Touch and Feel

The tactile world around us is full of sensations – hot, cold, rough, smooth, soft, and sharp. Some of these physical interactions can, surprisingly, be potent triggers for Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) in certain individuals.
Have you ever wondered why some people’s skin reacts differently to certain stimuli compared to others? Let’s say, for example, a sudden drop in temperature. While many of us might just experience goosebumps, there are those whose skin might respond more aggressively, leading to conditions like SJS. It’s almost like the body’s defense mechanism goes into overdrive.
Now, combine physical stimulants with underlying vulnerabilities. A minor scrape or burn, usually inconsequential for many, might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for someone on the brink of SJS. It isn’t just about the injury; it’s about the body’s escalated response to it.
Then there’s the realm of medical procedures. Certain physical interventions, such as acupuncture or minor surgeries, might act as catalysts. They can inadvertently introduce foreign substances into the body, which might confuse the immune system and set off an exaggerated response. (9)