Symptom 4: Swollen Lymph Nodes: The Body’s Unsung Heroes

Lymph nodes are a pivotal part of our immune system. Located throughout the body, these nodes act as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria, and other harmful agents. With mononucleosis, these nodes, particularly those in the neck, swell and become palpable.
The reason behind this swelling is straightforward. As the Epstein-Barr virus invades, the body responds. The lymph nodes, in their bid to trap and neutralize the virus, expand. This swelling isn’t just a random occurrence but a calculated immune response.
To the touch, these swollen nodes feel rubbery, and can sometimes be painful. While they’re most prominent in the neck, they can also be detected under the arms and in the groin. Their presence is a tangible testament to the ongoing battle within.
Though alarming, swollen lymph nodes are also reassuring. They are evidence of the body’s intricate defense system in action, working tirelessly against foreign invaders. Over time, as the body gets the upper hand against the virus, the nodes gradually return to their regular size. (4)