Symptom 8: Muscles and Mononucleosis: A Tale of Unwanted Aches

Muscle aches are usually associated with strenuous workouts or physical exertion. But with mononucleosis, they arrive uninvited, making even the simplest movements feel like a monumental task.
One may wonder, why muscles? The Epstein-Barr virus doesn’t directly target them. Yet, the aches are a byproduct of the body’s internal turmoil. As the immune system is thrown into overdrive, inflammatory responses surge throughout the body, affecting muscles in the process.
The ache is not localized. It roams. One day it’s the legs, another day the arms, and sometimes even the back. It’s as if the body is sounding an alarm, signaling the presence of an intruder.
This symptom brings to light the interconnectedness of our body systems. A viral attack, seemingly unrelated to our muscles, can still impact them, showcasing the ripple effects of health disturbances.
Fortunately, like all symptoms of mononucleosis, muscle aches have an expiration date. As the days go by and the body slowly but steadily overpowers the virus, the aches diminish, and muscles regain their former vigor. (8)