Top 10 Parkinsonism Symptoms: Decoding and Managing the Condition

Symptom 4. Postural Instability: Balance and Gait Difficulties

Postural Instability Balance and Gait Difficulties

Imagine your body refusing to obey your mind’s command to maintain equilibrium. Parkinson’s patients often face this reality. Postural instability, or a compromised sense of balance, is a defining symptom that predominantly appears as the disease progresses.

Individuals with postural instability may notice a forward or backward tilt in their posture. This unconscious lean can be quite stubborn, resisting efforts to correct it. Even standing upright can pose a challenge, leading to an overall stooped appearance.

Shuffling steps become another unwanted companion of those experiencing postural instability. The once broad and confident strides are replaced by small, hurried steps, often causing the person to lean or trip forward. This shuffling walk can escalate to a phenomenon known as ‘festination,’ where the patient involuntarily accelerates their steps while appearing to be stumbling forward.

As the disease going deeper, the instability can become more pronounced, leading to sudden falls. These aren’t ordinary stumbles; instead, patients may fall without a significant change in position or attempt to right themselves, almost as if they’re being pulled towards the ground.

While medication and physical therapy can assist in managing postural instability to some extent, they’re rarely entirely effective. This poses a significant risk of injury, particularly in elderly patients, underscoring the importance of personal safety aids and caregiver support. (4)

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