Top 10 Proven Methods to Treat Mouth Ulcers

Method 2: Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda, formally known as sodium bicarbonate, is more than just a leavening agent for baking. It’s a veritable multitasker, finding use from cleaning to health remedies. Its popularity in oral care isn’t new. For years, it’s been hailed as a natural teeth whitener and breath freshener. Yet, its role in alleviating the discomfort of mouth ulcers is relatively less discussed, making it a hidden gem in the world of home remedies.

One of the primary reasons baking soda works wonders on mouth ulcers is its alkaline nature. The mouth, especially when plagued by ulcers, can have a skewed pH balance, leaning more towards acidity. This imbalance can exacerbate the pain and irritation. Enter baking soda. Its alkaline profile helps neutralize this acidity, creating a more balanced environment. This neutralization doesn’t just ease the pain but also reduces the inflammation around the ulcer, fostering a more conducive environment for healing.

To harness the benefits of baking soda for mouth ulcers, it’s all about the paste. Creating this remedy is akin to a mini science experiment at home. Start with a spoonful of baking soda, adding drops of water gradually. Stir continuously until you have a thick but pliable paste. It should be gritty but not runny. Once your concoction reaches this consistency, you’re all set for the application.

Using a clean fingertip or a sterile cotton swab, gently dab the baking soda paste onto the ulcer. It might tingle or sting for a few moments, but that’s just the baking soda getting to work. Let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, allowing the alkalinity to neutralize the acidic environment. After the wait, rinse your mouth with cool water. This routine can be repeated twice daily. However, it’s crucial to note that while baking soda is effective, its abrasive nature means it’s best used in moderation. Overuse can lead to sensitivity in teeth and gums.

Mouth ulcers can be a literal pain, and while many commercial treatments are available, there’s something reassuring about using a remedy that’s been trusted for generations. Baking soda is accessible, affordable, and effective. When used correctly, it can offer significant relief from the pesky pains of mouth ulcers, letting you get back to enjoying your favorite foods and drinks without wincing at every bite or sip. (2)

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