Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Gastritis and Their Impact on Daily Life

3. Loss of Appetite: The Stealthy Thief of Nutrition

Loss of Appetite The Stealthy Thief of Nutrition

Food, beyond being a source of energy, is often tied to memories, culture, and even emotions. But what happens when the very act of eating becomes a source of discomfort?

Acute gastritis often manifests as a significant loss of appetite. It’s a gradual change, with meals becoming smaller and the intervals between them growing longer.

This isn’t a transient phase. The persistent inflammation of the stomach lining can disrupt the regular signaling process.

When the stomach is inflamed, it might not relay hunger cues effectively to the brain. Over time, this results in a diminished desire for food. But why does this happen?

The reason is twofold. Physiologically, the inflamed stomach lining might reduce the production of appetite-inducing hormones. Psychologically, the memory of pain or discomfort post meals might make one subconsciously avoid food.

A reduced intake isn’t just about losing weight. It can pave the way for nutrient deficiencies.

When the body doesn’t receive its requisite vitamins and minerals, the immune system weakens. Healing processes slow down, and the body becomes more susceptible to infections.(3)

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