Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Gastritis and Their Impact on Daily Life

6. Indigestion: When Food Becomes Foe

Indigestion When Food Becomes Foe

The joy of a hearty meal can quickly sour in the face of indigestion. That heavy feeling, as if the food is just sitting there, not moving, not being processed—it’s a clear sign of a stomach in distress. Acute gastritis can turn the body’s processing center into an inefficient machine, struggling with even the basics of digestion.

At the heart of it, it’s about chemistry. The stomach produces acids and enzymes that break down food.

But inflammation can disrupt this balance, leading to inadequate digestion. This undigested food then lingers, causing discomfort, heaviness, and even pain.

It’s not just about the physical sensations. The mental aspect of indigestion is equally taxing. The constant calculation—can I eat this, should I skip that, will this meal cause discomfort?—can make dining a stressful event, robbing it of its joy.(6)

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