Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Gastritis and Their Impact on Daily Life

7. Dark Stools: A Shadowed Indicator of Internal Trouble

Dark Stools A Shadowed Indicator of Internal Trouble

One of the most underrated indicators of our health is the color and consistency of our stools. A drastic change, especially when stools turn dark and tar-like, can be a harrowing sign of bleeding in the stomach due to acute gastritis. While discussing this topic might be a tad uncomfortable, it’s a symptom that demands immediate attention.

The science behind it is pretty straightforward. When there’s bleeding in the stomach, the blood gets digested along with food, turning stools black and tarry. The presence of blood can give the stools a peculiar, foul odor, making it quite distinguishable.

But why does this bleeding occur? The stomach lining, when inflamed, can sometimes develop ulcers.

These ulcers, if left unchecked, might bleed, leading to the appearance of dark stools. It’s essential to realize that this isn’t a superficial problem—it’s a sign of internal wounds.(7)

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