Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Gastritis and Their Impact on Daily Life

8. Weight Loss: The Silent, Stealthy Aftermath

Weight Loss The Silent, Stealthy Aftermath

Weight fluctuations are normal, but a sudden, unexplained drop in weight can be a distressing side effect of acute gastritis. At first glance, this might seem paradoxical.

But delve deeper, and the connections become evident. The discomfort, the reduced appetite, the indigestion—all culminate in reduced food intake and subsequent weight loss.

Beyond the numbers on the scale, it’s about the body’s nutritional reserves. When the intake is compromised, the body starts utilizing stored reserves for energy, leading to a gradual depletion of muscle mass.

The result? A frail, weakened physique, susceptible to fatigue and other ailments.

But it’s not just physical; there’s a psychological aspect to this weight loss. The constant worry about eating, the apprehension of triggering a flare-up, can lead to unintentional food aversions, further exacerbating the weight loss.(8)

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