Top 10 Symptoms of Asbestos Mesothelioma: What You Need to Know

4. Weight Loss: The Unintended Shedding of Pounds

Weight Loss The Unintended Shedding of Pounds

Experiencing significant weight loss without any deliberate changes in diet or exercise patterns can be alarming. In the context of mesothelioma, this unintentional weight loss can be due to the body’s heightened metabolic rate as it battles the disease.

The intricacies of this symptom are manifold. For starters, the loss isn’t just limited to shedding fat. Muscle mass can also diminish, leading to overall body weakness. This weakening can further amplify the fatigue experienced by the individual.

Then there’s the appetite angle. Mesothelioma can induce a sense of persistent nausea or lack of appetite.

When the body doesn’t get its requisite nutrients, weight loss is a natural consequence. This lack of nutrition can have a cascading effect on overall health, with the body being deprived of essential vitamins and minerals.

Another dimension to consider is the body’s absorption capability. Mesothelioma can affect how well the body assimilates nutrients from the food consumed. Even if one’s eating patterns remain unchanged, the body might not be extracting the necessary nutrients, leading to weight loss. (4)

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