Top 10 Symptoms of Asbestos Mesothelioma: What You Need to Know

7. Night Sweats and Fever: The Body’s Distress Signals

Night Sweats and Fever The Body's Distress Signals

Unexplained fevers and profuse night sweats can be the body’s way of signaling an internal imbalance. In the context of mesothelioma, these symptoms can arise due to the body’s immune response to the malignancy.

Night sweats can be particularly distressing. Waking up drenched, irrespective of the room’s temperature, can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to fatigue. It’s essential to differentiate these sweats from the occasional warmth everyone might feel. These are profound and consistent, often requiring a change of clothes or bedding.

Fevers, on the other hand, indicate an ongoing battle within. The body raises its internal temperature as a defense mechanism against perceived threats. However, these fevers, in the case of mesothelioma, aren’t tied to any infection but are a response to the presence of cancerous cells.

Both these symptoms, while not directly causing harm, can have a ripple effect. Disrupted sleep, fatigue, and the physical discomfort of recurring fevers can impact overall well-being. Addressing them is not just about symptom management but about enhancing the quality of life. (7)

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