Top 10 Symptoms of Basal-Cell Carcinoma: What You Need to Know

5. Yellowish, Scar-like Appearance: The Deceptive Disguise

Yellowish, Scar-like Appearance The Deceptive Disguise

Skin can sometimes undergo changes that leave it resembling an old scar or a patch of eczema. This yellowish, waxy look, especially when present without a clear history of injury, should raise suspicions. Such presentations, though seemingly benign, could indicate BCC.

In its early stages, these scar-like areas are often soft to touch. Over time, as the skin thickens, they might become more rigid, resembling scar tissue even more closely. The lack of a clear traumatic event leading to such changes can be puzzling for many.

This symptom often occurs on the face, but it’s not exclusive to it. The back of the hands, chest, and other sun-exposed areas can also manifest these deceptive patches. Such occurrences, even if they’re asymptomatic, are cause for concern.

Given the non-distinctive nature of this symptom, it can easily be overlooked or misdiagnosed. However, a dermatological evaluation is essential, especially when such patches appear spontaneously. Early detection, in this case, can prevent complications and allow for less invasive treatments. (5)

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