Top 10 Symptoms of Basal-Cell Carcinoma: What You Need to Know

8. Pain in an Abnormal Spot: When It’s More Than Just Skin Deep

Pain in an Abnormal Spot When It’s More Than Just Skin Deep

While many BCC lesions are painless, pain or tenderness in a particular spot can sometimes be the primary symptom. It’s easy to dismiss such pain, especially when the skin looks relatively normal. Yet, this could be a sign of a deeper, more invasive BCC.

This pain might manifest as a sharp sting, a burning sensation, or even a deep-seated ache. While pain is a more uncommon symptom of BCC, its presence, especially in association with other subtle skin changes, should not be dismissed.

It’s worth noting that the presence of pain doesn’t necessarily correlate with the severity or size of the BCC. A seemingly minor lesion can produce significant discomfort, while a larger, more apparent lesion might be completely painless.

Such variability in presentation reinforces the importance of a comprehensive skin examination. Pain, especially when persistent and localized, even if seemingly trivial, should prompt a visit to a dermatologist. (8)

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