Top 10 Symptoms of Bruxism That Everyone Should Know

10. Damaged Dental Work: The Cost of Grinding

Damaged Dental Work The Cost of Grinding

Bruxism isn’t discriminating; it doesn’t just target natural teeth. Fillings, crowns, implants, and other dental restorations can all bear the brunt of those powerful grinding forces. Over time, the repeated stress can cause these restorations to chip, crack, or even become dislodged.

Damaged dental work isn’t just a matter of aesthetics. When dental work fails or is damaged, the underlying tooth is often exposed to potential decay, infections, or further breakage. Moreover, the costs of repairing or replacing dental work, especially repeatedly, can be significant.

Those with dental restorations should be especially proactive if they know they grind their teeth. This means regular dental check-ups to monitor the condition of the restorations and using protective measures like mouth guards to reduce the force on these vulnerable areas.

Prevention, in this context, is twofold. Firstly, it’s about preventing the damage to dental work by addressing bruxism. Secondly, it’s about recognizing the value of one’s dental health and the investment made in restorations. Being proactive can not only save money but also preserve the health and functionality of the teeth for years to come. (10)

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