Top 10 Symptoms of Bruxism That Everyone Should Know

4. Increased Tooth Sensitivity: The Shock of Cold and Hot

Increased Tooth Sensitivity The Shock of Cold and Hot

A symptom that many bruxism sufferers can relate to is increased tooth sensitivity. Imagine sipping a cold drink or biting into a hot meal, only to be met with a sharp, shooting pain. That’s the reality for many with bruxism. But why does this happen?

As mentioned earlier, the grinding wears down the enamel. The enamel is the tooth’s protective layer, and once it wears thin, the dentin beneath is exposed. Dentin is directly connected to the nerve of the tooth, making it susceptible to temperature changes.

However, it’s crucial to note that while bruxism can indeed lead to increased tooth sensitivity, not all sensitivity is due to grinding. Other dental issues can cause similar symptoms. It becomes vital, then, to get a professional opinion if you notice this change in your dental health. (4)

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