Top 10 Symptoms of Cavernoma: Navigating the Telltale Signs

2. Neurological Deficits – The Silent Stealers of Functionality

Neurological Deficits – The Silent Stealers of Functionality

Neurological deficits, in the context of cavernoma, refer to the decreased or altered functionality in body parts controlled by the brain. The brain, a control center, sends out signals continuously. When cavernoma interferes, these signals get disrupted, leading to these deficits.

The manifestation of neurological deficits is vast. Some may experience numbness or a tingling sensation in their limbs. Others might find difficulty in speaking or even understanding spoken words. It’s a spectrum, and where one lands on it largely depends on the cavernoma’s location.

Just like with seizures, not everyone with a cavernoma will experience neurological deficits. But those who do can have varied intensities and manifestations of these symptoms. It’s this unpredictable nature that makes regular monitoring essential for those diagnosed with or at risk of cavernoma. (2)

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