Top 10 Symptoms of Cavernoma: Navigating the Telltale Signs

7. Weakness or Numbness – The Disconnected Limbs

Weakness or Numbness – The Disconnected Limbs

Our limbs operate based on signals from the brain. When a cavernoma interferes, these signals might get weak or even fail, leading to sensations of weakness or numbness in the affected areas.

While many might brush off an occasional tingling sensation, persistent numbness or an unexplained weakness in any limb should raise alarms. It feels as if the limb isn’t fully connected, or is “asleep” for extended periods.

The specific area of numbness or weakness can provide clues to the cavernoma’s location. For instance, issues with the left arm might point to disruptions in the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Physical therapy can often help strengthen weakened muscles and improve sensations. Treating the cavernoma directly, either through medications or surgical interventions, can also help restore normalcy. (7)

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