Top 10 Symptoms of Dyssynergic Defecation (Anismus): Navigating the Less-Talked-About Bowel Disorder

2. Incomplete Evacuation: The Ever-present Sensation

Incomplete Evacuation The Ever-present Sensation

It’s hard to shake off the feeling. That nagging sensation post a restroom visit. For those with anismus, it’s persistent. They never feel “done.” And it’s perplexing. The time spent doesn’t matter. The sensation lingers.

Muscle incoordination is the culprit. The body sends mixed signals. Stools move, but not efficiently. The muscles fail to coordinate. As a result, evacuation feels incomplete. The process becomes mentally exhausting.

It’s not just about the physical. The mental toll is significant. Constantly feeling unclean is debilitating. Social anxiety may develop. Outings become strategic. Is there a restroom nearby? Will I need it? These questions become routine.(2)

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