Top 10 Symptoms of Dyssynergic Defecation (Anismus): Navigating the Less-Talked-About Bowel Disorder

5. Difficulty Starting a Movement: The Hesitant Initiation

Difficulty Starting a Movement The Hesitant Initiation

Starting a bowel movement should be instinctive. But with anismus, it’s a hurdle. The initiation becomes a challenge. It’s like a car engine that hesitates before roaring to life.

Muscle incoordination is, again, at play. The initial push faces resistance. Not from an external force, but from within. Misfiring muscles impede the process. It’s a complex interplay that results in delay.

Such hesitations aren’t benign. They cause physical discomfort. Mental anguish too. The individual becomes hyper-aware. Overthinking each bathroom trip. The anxiety of initiation becomes a daily ordeal. (5)

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