Top 10 Symptoms of Dyssynergic Defecation (Anismus): Navigating the Less-Talked-About Bowel Disorder

9. Recurring Abdominal Pain: The Constant Ache

Recurring Abdominal Pain The Constant Ache

Pain is more than a sensation for anismus patients. It’s a constant, recurring theme. The abdomen aches, sometimes mildly, sometimes with intensity. It becomes a part of their daily life.

Stagnant stools exert pressure. The colon gets stretched beyond its comfort. This stretching triggers pain receptors. It’s not just about the stool. It’s the prolonged pressure and tension in the colon and surrounding areas.

Recurring pain affects more than just the body. It weighs on the mind. Sleep gets disrupted. Daily activities get hampered. The constant ache saps energy, leaving individuals fatigued and weary. (9)

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