Top 10 Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) You Can’t Ignore

4. Chest Pain: GERD’s Deceptive Disguise

Chest Pain GERD's Deceptive Disguise

While heartburn is a burning sensation localized behind the breastbone, GERD can also manifest as more generalized chest pain. This pain can sometimes be so intense that it’s mistaken for a heart attack. Differentiating between the two can be challenging, especially when the pain radiates to the neck, jaw, or arm.

Often, GERD-related chest pain is more prolonged than the typical fleeting pain of heartburn. It can be triggered or worsened by certain foods, lying down, or even stress. Conversely, heart-related chest pain might be triggered by physical exertion and might come with symptoms like shortness of breath.

Given the potential severity of both conditions, it’s crucial not to self-diagnose. If someone experiences sudden, severe chest pain, they should seek emergency medical attention. Diagnostic tests, history-taking, and a physical exam can help differentiate between GERD and heart-related issues.

For those diagnosed with GERD-related chest pain, understanding and managing triggers is paramount. Antacid medications, lifestyle modifications, and stress reduction can all play roles in alleviating this symptom. (4)

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