Top 10 Symptoms of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) You Shouldn’t Ignore

4. Abdominal Discomfort: A Sign of Swollen Spleen

Abdominal Discomfort A Sign of Swollen Spleen

A subtle ache, a feeling of heaviness, or even a sharp pain below the left ribcage might often be shrugged off as indigestion or a sign of overeating. But in the realm of HCL, this could be a more sinister indication of an enlarged spleen, medically termed splenomegaly.

The spleen, a part of the lymphatic system, acts as a filter for blood. In HCL, leukemia cells can accumulate in the spleen, causing it to swell. This swelling is what leads to the sensation of fullness or discomfort in the abdominal area.

As the spleen enlarges, it might even become palpable. Some might notice a hard lump on the left side of their abdomen, under the ribcage. In severe cases, the spleen’s size can even push against the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness even after consuming a small meal.

However, this symptom is a chameleon. It’s so easy to mistake it for a host of other gastrointestinal issues. (4)

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