Top 10 Symptoms of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) You Shouldn’t Ignore

7. Night Sweats: Not Just an Overheated Room

Night Sweats Not Just an Overheated Room

We’ve all experienced it – waking up drenched in sweat, sheets soaked through, even when the room temperature is moderate. Night sweats in HCL aren’t just about feeling a bit warm; they’re extreme and often recurrent.

Cancer cells, including those from HCL, can release substances that raise the body’s thermostat, leading to fever. When this fever breaks at night, it results in intense sweating. Think of it as the body’s way of trying to regulate its temperature, fighting against the effects of HCL.

These aren’t your typical sweats. They can be so intense that one might need to change their nightclothes, sometimes even the bedding. It’s not related to the ambient temperature or too many blankets. It’s profuse and beyond what one would expect from an overheated room or a nightmare. (7)

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