Top 10 Symptoms of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) You Shouldn’t Ignore

8. Pale Skin: More than Just Missing the Sun

Pale Skin More than Just Missing the Sun

A paler than usual complexion can often be dismissed as a cosmetic concern, attributed to lack of sunlight or maybe even fatigue. However, in the context of HCL, a pallid complexion can be a symptom of anemia, a condition where your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells.

With HCL crowding the bone marrow, the production of red blood cells goes down. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and giving the blood its red color. A decrease in their number can lead to skin looking washed out or unusually pale.

It’s not just about the complexion, though. The paleness can extend to the inside of the lower eyelids, the gums, and even the nail beds. It’s a paleness that doesn’t improve with rest or doesn’t get better after spending time in the sun.

Paired with other symptoms, this loss of color can be more than just cosmetic. It might be an indication that the body isn’t producing enough red blood cells, a common fallout of HCL. Monitoring any noticeable and persistent change in skin color, especially if it’s accompanied by fatigue or breathlessness, is essential. (8)

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