Top 10 Symptoms of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) You Shouldn’t Ignore

9. Frequent Nosebleeds: More than a Dry Climate

Frequent Nosebleeds More than a Dry Climate

A nosebleed every once in a while, especially in dry climates, might not be unusual. But if nosebleeds become frequent and aren’t related to external factors, it’s worth investigating. In HCL, recurrent nosebleeds can point towards a lower platelet count.

The tiny blood vessels in the nose can be prone to bleeding, especially when the platelet count in the body drops. Remember, platelets help blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding. A shortage means even a tiny vessel rupture can lead to a prolonged nosebleed.

If you find yourself reaching for a tissue too often, if nosebleeds have become a regular feature, especially if it’s alongside other symptoms like easy bruising or fatigue, it’s a call for a deeper dive. These nosebleeds aren’t just about dry air or a small injury; they might be signaling a more profound issue. (9)

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