8. Rapid or Irregular Heartbeat – The Erratic Rhythm of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

An erratic or rapid heartbeat, known as tachycardia, is another common symptom of HCM. It’s characterized by a heart rate that’s faster than normal while at rest. You might feel this in the form of heart palpitations or a racing heart.
The culprit behind this symptom is again the thickened heart muscle associated with HCM. This thickening can disrupt the heart’s electrical signals, leading to an abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia.
This rapid or irregular heartbeat isn’t just a physical symptom. It can cause significant distress, leading to anxiety and panic in some individuals. Moreover, if left untreated, these abnormal rhythms can lead to more severe complications like stroke or sudden cardiac death.
A rapid or irregular heartbeat shouldn’t be dismissed as mere stress or anxiety, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms. Consult a healthcare professional if you experience this symptom regularly. Prompt recognition and appropriate treatment can manage the symptom and reduce the risk of potential complications. (8)