Top 10 Symptoms of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) Every Parent Should Know

3. Absence Seizures: The Silent Moments Lost in Time

Absence Seizures The Silent Moments Lost in Time

Subtle yet impactful are the absence seizures associated with JME. These events, lasting merely a few seconds, are characterized by a sudden lapse in consciousness.

To an observer, it might appear as though the individual has momentarily ‘zoned out’ or is deep in thought. However, the reality is different.

During these episodes, the person is disconnected from their environment. It’s as if they’ve been briefly placed on ‘pause,’ resuming their activities once the seizure concludes.

But the scarier part? Many don’t even realize they’ve experienced a seizure. The episodes can be so brief and non-disruptive that they often fly under the radar.

However, their impact is tangible. Imagine a student missing out on bits of a lecture or a professional losing threads of a crucial meeting. Over time, these ‘gaps’ can accumulate, affecting learning, work, and overall quality of life. (3)

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