Top 10 Symptoms of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) Every Parent Should Know

8. Photosensitivity: When Light Triggers the Storm

Photosensitivity When Light Triggers the Storm

The world is awash with stimuli, but for someone with JME, certain triggers can set off seizure activity. Photosensitivity, or an increased sensitivity to visual stimuli like flashing lights, is a notable culprit. Think of the strobe lights in a club, the flickering of an old television, or even the rapid succession of images in certain video games.

For the average person, these stimuli might be nothing more than visual distractions. However, for someone with JME, they can lead to a cascade of aberrant electrical activity in the brain. The response can vary – from a mere twitch or jerk to a full-blown tonic-clonic seizure.

Awareness and prevention are pivotal. Knowing one’s triggers and creating an environment that minimizes these risks can be life-changing. This might mean avoiding certain environments, wearing polarized sunglasses, or using screen filters when working on digital devices. (8)

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