10. Chronic Sinusitis: The Reflux Connection

Sinusitis typically conjures images of nasal congestion, pain around the eyes, and headaches. However, what’s less known is the potential link between chronic sinusitis and LPR. The constant irritation caused by stomach acid in the throat and nasal passages can lead to inflammation and recurrent sinus infections.
The relationship between the two conditions is twofold. Firstly, the refluxed acid can be aspirated into the lungs and airways, causing inflammation. Secondly, the acid can trigger a body-wide inflammatory response, affecting the sinuses.
Patients with LPR often find themselves grappling with persistent postnasal drip, congestion, and sinus pain. Over time, this can lead to repeated sinus infections, often requiring multiple courses of antibiotics.
The bigger concern here is the cyclical nature of the symptoms. LPR leads to sinusitis, which in turn can worsen reflux symptoms, creating a vicious cycle. Recognizing the potential connection and seeking treatment can help break this cycle, providing relief on multiple fronts. (10)