9. Ear Pain: The Unexpected Link

Ear pain is often not the first symptom people associate with LPR. Yet, the connection between the two is more profound than one might assume.
The reason lies in the shared nerve pathways between the throat and the ears. When acid irritates the throat, it can lead to a sensation of pain or fullness in the ears.
Consider the anatomy. The throat and ears are interconnected through the Eustachian tube. While this tube primarily helps in maintaining ear pressure, it’s also the reason why throat problems, including those caused by LPR, can lead to ear discomfort.
The challenge with this symptom is its deceptive nature. Many might brush it off as an ear infection or another ear-related issue.
The key is to look at the broader picture. If ear pain or discomfort is accompanied by other LPR symptoms, it’s essential to consider reflux as a potential cause. (9)