Top 10 Symptoms of Myelopathy: What You Need to Know

5. Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction: The Silent Disruptor

Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction The Silent Disruptor

The functions of our bowel and bladder are things we typically learn as children and then rarely think about. They’re automatic processes, regulated by signals from our spinal cord. However, with myelopathy, these signals can become scrambled.

This can manifest in several ways. Some might find they have difficulty starting or stopping a stream of urine. Others might feel the constant urge to go, even if they’ve just been. In more severe cases, there might be episodes of incontinence, where the person doesn’t make it to the bathroom in time.

It’s not just the physical symptoms that are of concern here. The emotional and psychological toll can be significant. The fear of public embarrassment can keep individuals at home, leading to social isolation. (5)

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