10. Urinary Problems: When Peripheral Neuropathy Hits Below the Belt

The last symptom on our list is urinary problems. It might seem strange that nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system could lead to urinary issues. Still, when you understand the role nerves play in bladder control, the connection becomes clear.
Your urinary system, including your bladder, doesn’t work alone. It’s part of a team, and the nervous system is a crucial player. Your brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves work together to ensure your bladder fills and empties at appropriate times. When peripheral neuropathy causes nerve damage, this delicate process can get disrupted.
What does this look like for someone with peripheral neuropathy? It can present in various ways. Some people might have trouble starting a urine stream or feel like they can’t fully empty their bladder. Others might experience incontinence, an uncontrollable leakage of urine. There can also be a frequent urge to urinate, even when the bladder isn’t full.
These symptoms can be frustrating and embarrassing, affecting a person’s self-esteem and quality of life. They can also increase the risk of urinary tract infections. If the bladder isn’t fully emptied, it can provide a conducive environment for bacteria to multiply.
Managing urinary problems involves treating the underlying nerve damage, if possible, and addressing the symptoms. Medications can be used to relax the bladder or tighten the muscles that control urine flow.(10)