Top 10 Symptoms of Nutcracker Esophagus (Jackhammer Esophagus, Hypercontractile Peristalsis) and How to Recognize Them

10. Regurgitation: The Unpleasant Return

Regurgitation The Unpleasant Return

Imagine enjoying a hearty meal, only to have parts of it come back up into the mouth, sometimes hours later. That’s the reality for those with nutcracker esophagus. This isn’t a vomit; it’s regurgitation – an unforced return of food and liquid, devoid of bile.

Regurgitation doesn’t just bring back the food. Often, it’s mixed with stomach acids, leading to a sour or bitter taste. Beyond the immediate unpleasantness, frequent regurgitation episodes can cause dental problems, throat irritation, and even aspiration – where the regurgitated contents find their way into the lungs.

Meal times, especially in social settings, can become stress-inducing. The constant fear of an unexpected regurgitation episode can overshadow the joy of communal eating. The anxiety of explaining the situation to others can also be a significant deterrent in attending social events. (10)

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