Top 10 Symptoms of Nutcracker Esophagus (Jackhammer Esophagus, Hypercontractile Peristalsis) and How to Recognize Them

2. Chest Pain: More than a Heart’s Whim

Chest Pain More than a Heart's Whim

Chest pain is one of those symptoms that universally triggers alarm. But not all chest pains are created equal. For individuals with nutcracker esophagus, this pain, often sharp or squeezing, can be misleading, leading many to believe they’re experiencing heart-related issues.

While both cardiac pains and those resulting from nutcracker esophagus manifest in the chest, there are subtle differences. The latter often lacks the radiating nature seen in heart-related pains.

It’s a localized distress, contained mainly within the chest area. This distinction, though minute, is critical to avoid misdiagnosis. (2)

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