Top 10 Symptoms of Nutcracker Esophagus (Jackhammer Esophagus, Hypercontractile Peristalsis) and How to Recognize Them

8. Water Brash: The Unexpected Flood

Water Brash The Unexpected Flood

Imagine feeling a sudden rush of clear, salty liquid in your mouth, often following a bout of heartburn or regurgitation. That’s water brash for you. For those with nutcracker esophagus, it’s yet another symptom that adds to their list of challenges.

Water brash is the mouth’s defense mechanism against the acidic contents that have been regurgitated into the esophagus. The salivary glands produce this excess saliva to neutralize the acid and protect the mouth and throat from its corrosive effects.

While the sudden surge of saliva can be surprising, it’s the aftereffects that are more concerning. This liquid can leave a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, affecting appetite and the overall enjoyment of food. Over time, this can also lead to dental issues if not properly managed. (8)

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