Top 10 Symptoms of Primary Biliary Cholangitis: What You Need to Know

2. Itchy Skin: Not Just a Simple Rash

Itchy Skin Not Just a Simple Rash

It’s a sensation that can drive someone to distraction: the constant urge to scratch. For those with PBC, itchy skin, medically termed “pruritus,” can be a persistent issue. But it’s not due to a rash or external irritant. It’s internal.

The itchiness often starts on the palms or soles. Over time, it can spread, covering larger areas of the body. In some cases, it becomes so severe that it disrupts sleep, leading to further fatigue and distress.

So, why does PBC cause this? The exact mechanism isn’t entirely understood. However, it’s believed that bile acids accumulating in the skin might play a role. The liver’s reduced capability to process these acids means they can end up in various parts of the body, including the skin.

For relief, many turn to antihistamines or lotions. While these might provide temporary respite, it’s essential to address the root cause. By managing PBC and working with a hepatologist, patients can often find more long-term solutions to manage and reduce this troubling symptom.(2)

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