Top 10 Symptoms of Primary Biliary Cholangitis: What You Need to Know

5. Dry Eyes and Mouth: The Silent Dehydrators

Dry Eyes and Mouth The Silent Dehydrators

It might seem unrelated, but dry eyes and mouth are surprisingly common in PBC patients. Known as “Sicca syndrome,” this symptom arises due to reduced secretion of tears and saliva. It’s not directly due to liver dysfunction but is associated with autoimmune features present in many PBC patients.

Dry eyes can lead to a gritty sensation, like there’s always something in your eye. Similarly, a dry mouth can make swallowing difficult and increase the risk of dental issues.

The exact link between PBC and Sicca syndrome remains under research. However, managing these symptoms can improve quality of life significantly. Artificial tears and saliva stimulants can provide relief, while regular dental check-ups can prevent complications from a dry mouth.(5)

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